Our Toolkit.
We have created and continue to create a range of handy free tools for you to use and help with your Digital Marketing strategy. These are custom tools based on what we use every day! So go ahead and use them to your hearts content and don’t forget to book mark them so you can use them with ease!
Choose your tool
Your Free Online NotePad!
We are always using notes tool to pop some information somewhere to come back to or spell check large amounts of text rather than waiting years for an app to open up to do the same job. So we made you that space. Just type away and our spellchecker will keep an eye on any mistakes you may make. Just a helpful tool from Yoke to you.
Calculate Your ROAS
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) is the calculation of Spend Vs Return. We have created a nifty calculator to help calculate your ROAS easily.